/ OEM Solutions
Arrow Solutions Cleaners
Arrow Solution Cleaners offers a concentrated, non-corrosive alkaline cleaner designed for removing oil, grease, and grime from aircraft exteriors and interiors. It meets industry standards and is economical for aerospace maintenance.

Arrow Solutions Lubricants
Arrow Solution Lubricants offers versatile corrosion prevention, moisture displacement, and lubrication products. They are non-flammable, effective in various applications, and ideal for protecting and maintaining mechanical, electrical, and fabricated items.

/ Featured Products
/ The trusted, safe solution for professional degreasing
Lotoxane has gained acclaim in the sector for its ability to effectively eliminate tough residues of oils, greases, and machine coolant from machined parts, castings, panels, and electrical/electronic components. However, what you may not know is that Lotoxane is non-flammable. Witness its non-flammability firsthand in our demonstration.